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ProBio Site Map


Biologics Discovery

Antibody Lead Generation

Hybridoma Generation for Therapeutic Antibody Discovery

ProSpeedTM Single B cell Antibody Discovery

Fully Human Antibody Discovery by Transgenic Mice

Human Fab Naïve Library

Solution for Novel Biologics Modalities

Bispecific Antibody DiscoveryNEW!

Innovative SMABody Bispecific Antibody Discovery

CAR Lead Discovery

Single Domain Antibody Discovery

ADC Discovery Service

Antibody Discovery Solution for Multi-pass Membrane Targets

pH-selective Antibody Discovery Service

Antibody Lead Optimization

Antibody Humanization

Antibody Affinity Maturation

Fc Engineering Service

Developability Assessment

Pharmacology & Discovery Reagent Service

In Vitro Pharmacology


GPCR-targeted Assay

Cytokine Neutralization Assay

ADC Bioassay Service

Immune Checkpoint Reporter Assay

Immune Checkpoint Primary Cell Assay

Pseudovirus Neutralization Assay Services for SARS-CoV-2

Engineered Cell Line based Bioassay Service

Bispecific Antibody Bioassay ServiceNEW!

In Vivo Pharmacology

In Vivo Efficacy

Pharmacokinetics Study

Toxicology Study

Biomarker testing and bioanalysis

Anti-idiotype Antibody and Immunoassay Development

PK and ADA Assay Development Services

Anti-idiotype antibody case study

Universal PK Tool Antibody Service for Antibody Drug

Affinity Measurement

Biologics CDMO

Fast Sample Preparation

Cell Line Development

ADCC Enhanced Cell Line Development

Host Cell Commercial License

GMP Cell Banking

IND-enabling CMC

Perfusion Process Development

CMC Case Study

Bioanalytical Development

ADCC & CDC Assays

Protein/Ab Characterization

SARS-CoV-2 Neutralizing Antibody In Vitro Bioassay Services

Bioassay Characterization NEW!

Antibody & Protein CMC Solutions for CGT

Process Characterization & Process Validation

200-500L Drug Substance Manufacturing

2000L Drug Substance Manufacturing

Aseptic Fill & Finish

ProBox™ Process Development Tool Box

UproCHO™ Medium System


Plasmid CDMO Services

LentiHelperTM Plasmid Products

AAssistVTM Plasmid Products

Plasmid CMC for IND

Plasmid Manufacture

GMProTM Plasmid Manufacturing

Linearized DNA Manufacture

Proprietary PowerS™-ITRrs Strain

Lentiviral Vector CDMO Services

Cell Line for LVV Manufacturing

Cell Banking

ProLVV Manufacturing

Lentiviral Vector One-stop Solution


LVV Manufacturing

AAV Vector CDMO Services

Cell Line for AAV Manufacturing

ProAAV Manufacturing Service

AAV One-stop Solution

AAV Manufacturing

mRNA CDMO Service


mRNA Manufacture

News & Activities

GenScript-Thermo Fisher Strategic Partnership on Life Sciences and Biopharma

GenScript Biotech's Biologics R&D and Production Center is Formally Put Into Operation

China's Largest Plasmid and Virus Facility from GenScript was Put into Operation

ABL Bio Inc.- GenScript Biotech Corp Bispecific Antibody Strategic Partnership Agreement Ceremony

Chinese CDMO GenScript starts construction of GenScript-Legend Biotech Commercial Manufacturing Center

GenScript and Selecxine Enter Into Strategic Cooperation Agreement

GenScript launches CDMO segment ProBio at inaugural GenScript Cell and Gene Therapy Industry Development & Cooperation Forum

Beroni Group Signs Agreement with ProBio to Conduct Further Study to Develop Nanobody-based Medical Solution for COVID-19

ProBio American Commercial Head, Kenneth Lee gives interview to The Medicine Maker about How we can help customers optimize their developing and manufacturing processes

ProBio Licensed Global Rights to Develop and Commercialize a SMAB Bispecific Antibody Molecule to REMD Biotherapeutics Inc.

ProBio Congratulates XLifeSc on FDA Allowance of IND Application for TCR-T Program

ProBio Wins Bioprocessing Excellence in CDMO Services from IMAPAC

ProBio Chinese Brand Unveiled, CDMO Capacity Upgraded

Serving a Rising Power

Initium Therapeutics Strategically collaborates with ProBio

ProBio and Neoletix Announce Successful Completion of 200-Liter GMP Production Runs of Recombinant Coagulation FVIII Based on a Novel Production Technology

SunRock Biopharma and ProBio Enter into a Collaboration Agreement to Develop Novel Monoclonal Antibody Program

ProBio Enters Collaboration with Singapore's Experimental Drug Development Centre to Develop Anti-Fibrosis Therapeutic Antibody Programme

ProBio and Neoletix signed a letter of intent on clinical and commercial production of recombinant human coagulation factor VIII

GenScript Biotech and Ligand Pharmaceuticals Enter into Global OmniAb® Licensing Agreement

ProBio Congratulates EyeGene for Clinical Trial Approval for mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine in South Korea

ProBio Passed European Union Qualified Person (QP) Audit Successfully

ProBio and TG ImmunoPharma Enter into Collaboration on Innovative Antibody Drug Project

ProBio Named a Top 10 Drug Discovery Solution Provider in Asia-Pacific

China’s Largest Commercial GMP Plasmid Manufacturing Facility is Put into Operation, ProBio Expanding Manufacturing Capacity Again

ProBio and AbTis Enter into an Exclusive Worldwide License Agreement for ADC Targeting Claudin 18.2

Successful Groundbreaking Ceremony for ProBio to Expand Commercial cGMP Plasmid and Viral Vector Manufacturing Facility in Zhenjiang, China

ProBio initiates a CDMO contract for next-generation CD47 antibody with InnoBation Bio

National Cancer Center Japan and ProBio Enter Research Collaboration Agreement for a Plasmid & Lentiviral vector CMC development

ProBio Signs CDMO Supply Agreement And Forms Strategic Partnership with AffyXell Therapeutics – A Joint Daewong-Avacta Venture

Athenex Partners with Leading Contract Manufacturer ProBio in the Development of Advanced Cell and Gene Therapies

ProBio and ProteoNic BV Signed a Strategic Cooperation Based on High Expressing Vector System

ProBio Signs MOU to Form Strategic Partnership with ACT Therapeutics to Development of New CAR-T Cell Therapies

ProBio and DAAN Bio Therapeutics, Sign a Strategic Cooperation MOU for the Discovery and Development of Novel Drugs

ProBio Congratulates Selecxine on FDA Clearance of IND Application for Innovative Antibody Drug Program

ProBio Signs MOU to Form Strategic Partnership with GeneCraft To Development and Production of New AAV gene therapies

ProBio Enters Strategic Collaboration with Hibiocy Co. Ltd, the affiliate of Rojukiss International Public Company Limited (KISS) – the leading Thai-based Beauty & Health company, for the development and manufacturing of COVITRAP™ and future new

ProBio Licenses Novel Fc Silencing Technology from mAbsolve

A bispecific antibody molecule jointly developed by Buchang Pharmaceutical and REMD Biotherapeutics,partners of ProBio, received IND clearance from NMPA for clinical trial

Program CD47, provided the CMC service by ProBio to InnobationBio, will further be advanced by the joint venture between Liminatus Pharma LLC and Iris Acquisition Corp

ProBio Congratulates Selecxine’s IND Clearance from MFDS

A Joint Collaboration Between Bio Immunitas and ProBio Leads to the Development and Fast Track Manufacturing of A Novel Therapeutic Platform

ProBio and RVAC Medicines Announce Strategic Partnership for GMP Plasmid DNA Manufacturing for mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate

ProBio Congratulates Eutilex’s IND Clearance from MFDS

ProBio and Comprehensive Cell Solutions, a Business Unit of the New York Blood Center Enterprises, Form a Pioneering Partnership to Expedite Cell and Gene Therapy Development and Manufacturing

ProBio Congratulates IMBiologics on FDA Clearance of IND Application for Innovative Bispecific Antibody Drug Project (IMB-101)

Dx&Vx Signs Strategic Partnership with ProBio for Novel Drug Development

ProBio Congratulates ABL Bio’s IND Clearance of ABL103 Program from MFDS

ProBio Partners with Epi Biotech to Advance Hair Loss Antibody Therapy

The MOU between ProBio and NuclixBio

ProBio signs viral vector manufacturing MOU with Curocell for next-generation CAR-T therapy

ProBio Congratulates TG ImmunoPharma on FDA Clearance of Clinical Trial for TGI-5 Monoclonal Antibody

ProBio announces the appointment of Dr. Li Chen, as the Chief Executive Officer

ProBio Extends Congratulations to InnoBation Bio on MFDS Clearance of IBC101 Program

ProBio Signs Collaboration Agreement with Cell Resources Corporation, a Subsidiary of Alfresa Holdings Corporation for Cell Therapy Development

ProBio and UCI Therapeutics Sign a Strategic Cooperation MOU for Comprehensive Collaboration in Gene Delivery Technologies, Including Viral and Non-Viral Approaches

Resource Library



Biologics Webinar Series

Our Heart Goes Out to You, Our Heroes in Combating COVID-19

Global Biologics and CGT Symposium 2023- South Korea

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Global CGT Symposium 2024 - South Korea

Global Biologics Symposium 2024 - South Korea

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