Home » CGT CDMO » Lentiviral Vector CDMO Services » ProLVV Manufacturing


  • Half of Turnaround Time

  • High Quality for Preclinical

  • Adherent System

    Suspension System

Overview of ProLVV Manufacturing Workflow

ProBio is experienced in manufacturing lentiviral vectors adopting both adherent production system and suspension production system. We use HEK293T cell lines, and developed our proprietary suspension cell line PowerSTM-293T, with the production capacity from 2L to 200L. The downstream purification process is well-developed, and removes impurities and improved yield that has cost-effectiveness for the purpose of non-clinical phases.

Advantages of ProLVV Manufacturing

  • Adherent Culture System

    • The largest manufacturing scales is 50CF10
    • Closed culture system reduces contamination and improves stability
  • Suspension Culture System

    • up to 200L manufacturing scale
    • Proprietary cell line PowerSTM 293T
    • Yield improves 4~5 times compared with other commercial cell line
    • ~50% cost reduction
    • High T cell transduction efficiency

Customize Your ProLVV for Your Project

ProBio allow a variety of options to our customers, which can be customizable , from materials, QC items, manufacturing environment, etc., to match our customer’s applications.

  • ProLVV Characteristics

    • Starting from RCB
    • Non-disposable materials
    • Qualified platform QC methods
    • CoA
    • ......
  • ProLVV Customizable Options

    • Segregated manufacturing suites
    • MCB or WCB establishment
    • Disposable materials
    • Manufacturing summary report
    • ......

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