Webinars » Online Symposium: ProBox™ Platform for Complex Biologics CMC Development

Online Symposium: ProBox™ Platform for Complex Biologics CMC Development

  • Speaker 1: Rubin Jiang, Director of Nanjing Antibody PD& MSAT, ProBio;
  • Speaker 2: Ying Li, Purification Process Development Director, ProBio;
  • Speaker 3: Mengping Liu, Senior Scientist of Quality Research, ProBio;
  • Date: June.8th, 2023
  • Time: 14:00-16:30 PM UTC

Topic Abstract

Part I: Overview of ProBox™ Platform

  • Common challenges for bispecific antibody and recombinant protein CMC development
  • Platform scope and overview

Part II: ProBox™ Solutions for Upstream Process Development

  • Solutions for cell line development
  • Solutions for cell culture development

Part III: ProBox™ Solutions for Downstream Process Development

  • Solution for purification process development
    o Reduction ∣Capture ∣Protein stability ∣Aggregate ∣Homodimer ∣HCP
  • Solution for formulation process development
    o Aggregate ∣Particle ∣Oxidation ∣Polysorbate degradation ∣High concentration formulation

Part IV: ProBox™ Solutions for Analytical Development

  • Introduction of ProAD platform
  • Analytical solutions for bioassays and physiochemical method development
  • Analytical solutions for process development challenges