Integrated ADC discovery strategy and antibody/protein cell line development expertise sharing Topic 1:Accelerated ADC development via integrated antibody discovery platform Speaker: Dr. Li Chen, Director of Biologics Discovery Dept., ProBio Date: Mar. 02th, 2023 Time:14:00-16:00 (BJT) Watch now Speaker 1 Biography Dr. Chen Li is the Director of Biologics Discovery Department of ProBio. After obtaining his doctorate in immunology from the University of Massachusetts School of medicine, he joined GenScript in 2015 and has been responsible for antibody drug discovery platform for the past seven years. He has more than 200 project experience in antibody drug discovery and Engineering innovation optimization, as well as three patents related to biopharmaceutical discovery. Topic 1 Background Antibody-drug conjugates, also known as ADC, is a combination of traditional chemotherapy and targeted biological molecule. Recent clinical development brings lots of attention to this particular therapy in oncology filed. In this webinar, we will briefly go over the history and trending of ADC construct, followed by detail discussion of the tools and strategies for antibody discovery, as well as pharmacology assessment of antibody-drug conjugate. Topic 1 Abstract Brief overview of history and current trending of antibody-drug conjugates. Tools and strategies for naked antibody discovery for ADCs Early-stage pharmacology evaluation of naked antibody for ADC application Pharmacology assessment of ADC candidates Topic 2:Reaching IND faster with accelerated & high-yielding cell line development Speaker: Dr. Lijuan Xu, Senior Scientist of Process Development dept., ProBio Date: Mar. 02th, 2023 Time:14:00-16:00 (BJT) Watch now Speaker 2 Biography Dr. Lijuan Xu received her PhD Degree in Molecular Bacteriology and Infection from University of Copenhagen in 2022. After completing her PhD, she joined ProBio as a Senior Scientist of in Antibody Process Development Department. She is responsible for external technical communication on cell line development and CLD platform and capability improvement. Topic 2 Background Biopharmaceuticals such as antibodies and recombinant proteins represent rapidly expanding categories of drugs offering new therapeutic applications. Achieving maximum production of these molecules is dependent on many factors such as suitable host cells, expression vectors and culture conditions. Here, we describe ProBio’s cell line development platform (ProCLD) supporting biopharmaceutical manufacturing with high productivity and purity. An optimized vector pGenHT1.0-UP containing two “TiterUp” elements is utilized for boosting protein production. For bispecific/multispecific antibodies, optimized vector strategies have been used to modulate the relative expression of different polypeptide chains, thereby alleviating the chain mispairing issues. Notably, the turnaround time from transfection to PCB generation has been shortened to 8 weeks with highest titer of 10 g/L. In summary, we show that ProBio has established superior CLD platform guaranteeing the accelerated and high-yielding cell line development. Topic 2 Abstract Overview of ProBio’s cell line development (ProCLD) Strategies we have established to overcome the challenges in cell line development Shortened turnaround timeline to 8 weeks from plasmid to PCB Fast-Growing Global Track Record Related service Cell Line Development × Expand personal information First Name* Last Name* Country/Region* --Please select the Country-- Arg'en'tina Andorra Afghanistan Algeria Antigua & Barbuda Anguilla Albania Arm'en'ia Angola American Samoa Austria Australia Aruba Aland Island Azerbaijan Bosnia & Herzegovina Barbados Bangladesh Belgium British Virgin Islands Burkina Bulgaria Bahrain Burundi B'en'in Bermuda Brunei Bolivia Brazil Bhutan Bouvet Island Botswana Belarus Belize Canada C'en'tral African Republic Cote d'Ivoire Cook Islands Chile Cameroon Cambodia China Hong Kong China Taiwan, China Macau China Colombia Cayman Islands Croatia Costa Rica Cuba Cape Verde Cyprus Czech Republic Chad Djibouti Democratic Republic of the Congo D'en'mark Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Estonia Egypt Eritrea El Salvador Ethiopia Equatorial Guinea Finland Fiji Federated States of Micronesia Faroe Islands Fr'en'ch polynesia France Fr'en'ch Guiana Gabon Great Britain Gr'en'ada Georgia Guernsey Ghana Germany Gibraltar Gre'en'land Gambia Guinea Guadeloupe Greece Guatemala Guam Guinea-Bissau Guyana Honduras Haiti Hungary Indonesia Ireland Israel India Iraq Iran Iceland Italy Jersey Jamaica Jordan Japan K'en'ya Kyrgyzstan Kiribati Kuwait Kazakhstan Laos Lebanon Liecht'en'stein Liberia Lesotho Lithuania Luxembourg Latvia Libya Morocco Monaco Moldova Madagascar Marshall islands Mali Myanmar (Burma) Mongolia Martinique Mauritania Montserrat Malta Mauritius Maldives Malawi Mexico Malaysia Mozambique Namibia New Caledonia Northern Mariana Islands Niger Nigeria Nicaragua Netherlands Norway Nepal Nauru New Zealand Oman Panama Peru Papua New Guinea Pakistan Poland Puerto Rico Portugal Palau Paraguay Qatar Réunion Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Republic of Serbia Republic of Macedonia Republic of the Congo Serbia Switzerland Saudi Arabia Seychelles Sri Lanka Sudan Swed'en' Singapore Scotland South Korea St. Lucia Slov'en'ia Spain Slovakia Sierra Leone San Marino S'en'egal Somalia Suriname Saint Barthélemy South Africa Samoa Sao Tome & Principe Syria Swaziland St. Vinc'en't & the Gr'en'adines St. Kitts & Nevis Turks & Caicos Islands Togo The Bahamas The Philippines Thailand Tajikistan Timor-Leste Turkm'en'istan Tunisia Turkey Trinidad & Tobago Tuvalu Tonga Tanzania United States of America (USA) Ukraine Uganda United Arab Emirates Uruguay Uzbekistan United States Virgin Islands Vatican City (The Holy See) V'en'ezuela Vietnam Vanuatu Wallis and Futuna Yem'en' Zambia Zimbabwe State* Alaska Alabama Arkansas Arizona California Colorado Connecticut District of Columbia Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Iowa Idaho Illinois Indiana Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Massachusetts Maryland Maine Michigan Minnesota Missouri Mississippi Montana North Carolina North Dakota Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico Nevada New York Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Vermont Washington Wisconsin West Virginia Wyoming State* Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Nova Scotia Northwest Territory Nunavut Territory Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon State* Victoria Australian Capital Territory Tasmania NEW south wales Queensland South australia West Australia Email Address* Phone Number Company Name* Zip Code* Interest* --Please Select-- Antibody & Protein Services Biologics Discovery Services Plasmid Viral Vectors When do you need the service?* --Please Select-- Within three month Half a year to two years More than two years None Validate Code* * I agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy I agree to receive the latest news, information, promotions, webinars and services, and acknowledge that I can opt out any time.
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